
Showing posts from May, 2010

Ha Long Bay (Stop #2)

We took a taxi that would take us to Ha Long Bay, the road was interesting because it was giving us an air of what Vietnam was about. A very rural country, with incredible green grass, an economy probably based on tourism but also in agricultural activities. I still couldnt define whether this country was rich or poor. Some aspects showed power but some others showed lack of resources. We finally arrived to the BEAUTIFUL Ha Long Bay. It was something so unfamiliar to me. Open water surrounded by many and infinite rocks. So peaceful and uncommunicated. A place you wouldnt like to leave. We bought a 2 days 1 night cruise in which they gave us a looot of food, an amazing kayak tour, the opportunity to jump in the bay with the beautiful company of jellyfishes. At night all the cruises go to the same place and its amazing to see the lighting and the sky from the top of the "boat". Once this beautiful trip ended, we were taken back to the hotel in Hanoi. The people in the hotel o...

Saturday mornings

Would you rather sleep until 3 / 4 pm a saturday or wake up at 9 am and enjoy a sunny day? Well, that will be me before and after. I have now started a habit with a coworker to go to the gym during the week and also saturday mornings. Fantastic right?! Its amazing how much energy I can have after a cup of coffee and after a body combat class.


Soy una nueva fanática de Gustavo Cerati . Nueva, porque realmente no solía volverme loca por sus canciones cuando se fue de solista, pero más que nada porque no había prestado atención al contenido de sus canciones o su sonido. Alguna vez fui a un concierto cuando vivía en Santo Domingo, del que a penas recuerdo detalles. Era un muy pequeño recinto comparado con aquellos a los que estaba acostumbrado aquel hombre cuando iba de gira con Soda Stereo. O por lo menos con los conciertos que yo he visto en video. Hace unos meses y por referencia de un conocido, grabé el disco " Ahí vamos ". De esas cosas que te llegan a las manos en el mejor momento y en donde todos los planetas se "alinean" para que todas las canciones tengan sentido. Y debo confesar que desde entonces me volví adicta. Me descargué todas sus canciones del nuevo disco " Fuerza Natural " y de los discos anteriores, busqué conciertos en Madrid para verle pero nada de nada. Hasta que POR FIN, ...

Desayuno escolar

Recuerdo hace mucho tiempo (1996), yo tenía unos 10 años, cuando anunciaron en Santo Domingo el "desayuno escolar" en escuelas públicas. Era una buena idea recuperada de los primeros años de Balaguer, o tal vez, desde cuando Trujillo. No lo sé. La práctica dice que a las escuelas públicas suelen acudir niños y jóvenes provenientes de familias de escasos recursos económicos. Y lo gracioso es que a diferencia de países más desarrollados, el nivel académico o la infraesctura misma no es tan buena como debería ser. Aunque, según dice mi madre (profesora universitaria) esto se agrava o se agudiza dependiendo de la escuela pública. En fin, que me parece increíble no parar de escuchar temas de que si la leche o el jugo que se ofrece está contaminada(o), que si una cosa o que si la otra.... Niños y más niños enfermos, ¡ intoxicados ! Como si no fuera ya suficiente tener que lidiar con profesores no capacitados para educar a las próximas generaciones! Y yo me pregunto! ¿Qué es l...


Have you ever asked yourself what makes a group of fish happy? 1. Is it the other fishes in the sea? 2. Is it the beauty hidden in the ocean? 3. Is it discovering new food or eating the same one? What makes you happy? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Well, I have done my homework and I can say I feel very happy . The great people around, the things I have gone through in the past months (good and bad), my family, the new challenges at work, the company of my lovely roommate, the sound of a new or same old songs, going to awesome concerts... And the list would go on and on... And I don't know the exact reason why I'm writing this, but I feel I just wanted to share it. My ipod this morning started with some Coldplay songs: Viva la vida and Beautiful world . And that has just set my mood in a positive tune. And in my head I still hear two phrases: "I discovered that my castles stand upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand" & "All that I ...

Hanoi (City #1), Vietnam

This time the plane was full of chinese and vietnamese (At least they werent starying at us as if we were from another planet). We arrived late at night to the Hanoi's Airport, took a taxi which didnt understand our explanation of the hotel name nor location, but according to him, he already knew where to take us. Going through those roads was a deja vu. The road and the wet air felt very familiar, just as if I was home. When we arrived to the alleged hotel, the taxi driver took out all of our bags and left us there. We paid 15 dollars for his service. A few minutes passed, after we spoke to the girl that worked in the hotel and she realized that OUR hotel (the one in which we had a reservation), was not the one in which the taxi driver left us at..... Conclusion: 2 hotels, same name, different addresses.... Thank you. The girl gave us advice in how much the new taxi driver should ask for this service, first friendly vietnamese experience. So we called another taxi, to take us to t...