1. Is it the other fishes in the sea?
2. Is it the beauty hidden in the ocean?
3. Is it discovering new food or eating the same one?
What makes you happy? Have you ever asked yourself that question?
Well, I have done my homework and I can say I feel very happy. The great people around, the things I have gone through in the past months (good and bad), my family, the new challenges at work, the company of my lovely roommate, the sound of a new or same old songs, going to awesome concerts... And the list would go on and on...
And I don't know the exact reason why I'm writing this, but I feel I just wanted to share it.
My ipod this morning started with some Coldplay songs: Viva la vida and Beautiful world. And that has just set my mood in a positive tune.
And in my head I still hear two phrases: "I discovered that my castles stand upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand" & "All that I know is nothing to run from, cause everybody here got's somebody to lean on"..
Be yourself & Enjoy =)