So I keep reading...
If you are like me, maybe you were not someone that used to read frequently...
Let's say that since I used to have my car all I wanted to do was to get from one point to another...
When you come to a country like Spain, you realize that people actually READ...
Read, not because they are forced to (like in high school...), but because they are really into reading..

Free newspapers are very common during the morning.. although public transportation is always full.. and it could get very uncomfortable for the ones beside you..
Anyway, not only newspapers are the favorite reading, you can also find some drama, love stories, suspense, ... depending on the bestseller of the moment...
The funny thing is that... everybody READS.. literally... i mean.. students, old people, metal people, "pijas" girls (in Spain, called to girls with a very fine sense of fashion), normal people... is a massive thing...

Now, I'm curious to know if this is a common thing all over Europe... Is this an international wave, that i happen to have not crossed before?
Let's say that since I used to have my car all I wanted to do was to get from one point to another...
When you come to a country like Spain, you realize that people actually READ...
Read, not because they are forced to (like in high school...), but because they are really into reading..

Free newspapers are very common during the morning.. although public transportation is always full.. and it could get very uncomfortable for the ones beside you..
Anyway, not only newspapers are the favorite reading, you can also find some drama, love stories, suspense, ... depending on the bestseller of the moment...
The funny thing is that... everybody READS.. literally... i mean.. students, old people, metal people, "pijas" girls (in Spain, called to girls with a very fine sense of fashion), normal people... is a massive thing...

Now, I'm curious to know if this is a common thing all over Europe... Is this an international wave, that i happen to have not crossed before?
Por qué no leemos?, Dios!!!.
Nice Read. ;)
La pregunta del millón: A dónde van esos conocimientos adquiridos por este hábito tan saludable?! De qué sirve leer si eso no nos convierte en personas más sabias, prudentes, cultas, etc.?