Discovering Central East Africa (Volume1)
The first interesting moment was having my first dinner: we went to an ethiopian restaurant and ate "tef" with various "wat" and meat from an unknown animal. All hand eaten. Great.. my first reaction was to ask my brother if in Africa they always eat with the hands.. Yes, Im not used to that, but he told me that there is no other way to eat the ethiopian flatbread, as if I couldn't notice - I have moments of ignorance, they don't come very often, but they come =) -.

After this, I was both curious and anxious to see where we were going to sleep. Of course, my great brother was making me doubt on whether we were going to sleep in a camping or not, because the Masai Mara is full of them. To my surprise, the truth was that we were going to sleep in a camping, not the typical one but a hotel camping or I would say a luxury camping.
It was a hotel that had the most amazing view. A pool with the savanna as background. Just perfect. Wild boars around, small monkeys.. Vamos! Eso que vemos todos los dias!
So far a 10 to my first Central East Africa encounter. More in the chapters to come.
Sidenote: The Masai Mara National Reserve (also spelled "Maasai Mara" and known by the locals as 'the Mara') is a large game reserve in south-western Kenya, which is effectively the northern continuation of the Serengeti National Park game reserve in Tanzania.