Discovering Central East Africa (Volume1)

As you all may know, my brother was living in Rwanda for 2 years aprox, just left it a few days ago. I was excited about visiting him because I loved the idea of seeing his life there, know the people that surrounded him and of course, not least important, discovering a new piece of the world I hadn't seen before. First stop: Nairobi, Kenya In Nairobi they speak very good English because of their british influence. They got their independance from UK in 1963. But they also speak swahili , which is the local language. Why am I saying this? Because it surprised me a lot when I went to inmigration, the great pronounciation they had when asking the typical questions of: how long are you staying, put your fingers here for fingerprint scanning... The first interesting moment was having my first dinner: we went to an ethiopian restaurant and ate " tef " with various " wat " and meat from an unknown animal. All hand eaten. Great.. my first reaction was to ask my brot...