
Showing posts from December, 2010


- Acentos fuera, teclado americano - Es un poco tarde, pero quiero compartir algunas cosas y para que no se me olviden lo voy a hacer ahora. He decidido enumerarlas de forma que no sea haga tan extenso el "post", aunque honestamente dudo de mi capacidad para mantenerlo al margen de lectura: 1. Por que el titulo de este post es "Brida"? 2. 3 Metros sobre el cielo 3. El Brillo de los Ojos 4. La fidelidad, teoria o realidad? - Todo lo escrito es responsabilidad del "Blog Owner" - Brida es un libro (autor Paulo Coelho , conocido tambien por " El Alquimista ") que me recomendo un amigo (A.G.) hace mucho tiempo. Trata de la busqueda constante de nuestra "otra mitad". Mucha gente opina que solo tenemos "UN amor" en la vida y se suele esperar que ese sea nuestro companero de por vida. Pero ahora que recuerdo el libro y me situo en lo poco que he experimentado, creo que podemos tener muchas "mitades" y que podemos disfrutar ...

Mui Ne - Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Since the moment we arrived to Mui Ne, the experience was pretty good. We stayed in a hotel with bungalows, we had a portion of beach and a small but cozy pool. Our mechanism of transportation was again motorbikes. To gain time and despite of the timing, we headed to some cool dunes (red sand). There, like waiting for us, was group of kids "offering" a plastic "something" for us to slide through the sand. There was only one girl in this group, but she was smart enough to follow H.C. and myself - both girls - and to try to convince us to rent her the plastic piece. As you may imagine we gave up to her charm and her "try-to-speak-spanish" attempt. After this exhausting experience, sliding and sliding again... we headed to the hotel, changed clothes and went out to have dinner and a drink outside since there was nothing to do inside the hotel. For dinner we made a stop in a sort of seafront. We ordered and while eating we saw a beautiful rat going st...