Syndrome of the Man Down

No, this post is not about Rihanna's song. It is about us. You and I. The not social group of people that when in an elevator, in a dinner, in the subway dedicate more time to type through the "smart" than to generate a decent conversation with the ones around us. I am a very proTech person. I love the fact that I can actually write this post and some people will read it. I love the fact that I can actually call someone or write an email and know that they will answer. I love everything that comes from Technology, even when sometimes it helps me abstract from the world whenever I don't want to socialize. But, does it necessary have to always be there? The man down is this person that during lunch break is anxious to write a whatsapp (reply a message) to someone that has not even written. The man down is this person that needs to confirm through the navigator if what the person in front of him has said is true or not. The man down is this person t...