What about North America and the Caribbean?

If I tell you.... Did you know Mexico is in Central America? What would you say? If I tell you... Do you know where South America start? What would you say? If I tell you... Do you know where the Dominican Republic is? Is it in South America? What would you say? ... You might think.. its just a simple question with a simple answer, dont you? The truth is that a lot of people that are living in Europe or United States are not aware of the country distribution among continents.. And since I have had people speaking in front of me saying whatever they think, I have thought it was a great idea to create a post with this valuable information... Mexico. With an extension of 2M Km2. Its not the generator of the porcine influenza (Spanish Source:http: //es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gripe_porcina ). Geographic location according to continents... North America. (Spanish Source:http: //es.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A9xico ). Dominican Republic. Very different from Mexico, the Dominican Republic ha...